It’s That Time of the Year Again: The Burro Herd is Back in Carrizozo

The Burro herd is back at Gallery 408 on Twelfth Street in Carrizozo! Pick your fave—we like Jeremy Howe’s Golden Rod—and help the local Animal Rescue Organization. Every November, the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Carrizozo buzzes with excitement during the annual Burro Auction at Gallery 408. Life size Burros painted and embellished by well-known artists have become the Public Art of the sidewalks and buildings of Carrizozo. Gazing from rooftops, garden walls, sidewalks and private patios, the Burros of Carrizozo welcome travelers and friends. Each burro has a unique personality and story demonstrating the visual interests of the artist who created them.

Mark your calendars for the Fourth Annual Burro Serenade and Auction!
Saturday, November 21st

Nike Dance Hall in Carrizozo:  1/2 mile West on Hwy 380 from crossroads of Hwy 380 and Hwy 54 in Carrizozo
Doors open at 5:00p.m
Burrito dinner begins at 6:00p.m.
Auctioneer starts promptly at 7:00p.m.

You can purchase a Burro before the official Auction on Saturday, November 1st, 2009, by emailing, phoning or visiting the Gallery.


Golden Rod by Jeremy Howe
Golden Rod by Jeremy Howe