Tuesday September 27th The San Augustin Water Coalition invites you to a talk by Dennis Inman, geologist, updating progress on the application to drill 37 wells to transfer 54,000 acre feet of water per year from the San Augustin basin in Catron County to the Rio Grande and points north.
Location – the Datil Community Center
4pm half hour social time, 4:30pm Dennis Inman will discuss Geology & Hydrology of the San Augustin Basin, drawing on the previous work by Dr. Frank Titus and Daniel Blodgett. We now have the well logs from the two wells drilled by the Augustin Plains, LLC. There was a hydrocarbon well drilled by Sun Oil co. a number of years ago. There are nearly a thousand water wells within the basin and with the number of pending wells there would be much more and Dennis will discuss what that means. One other topic of discussion will be the uranium deposits in the northern slopes of the Datil Mountains. The floor will be open to questions. (From Carol Pittman)
Sat. October 1st – 2pm-5pm LOCAL AUTHOR BOOK SIGNING – Featuring Northern Catron County Authors Michael Fuson, Ann Jenkerson, Thea Marshall and Uncle River – Baldwin Cabin Public Library They will have their latest books to sell and refreshments will be served. Everyone is invited to come and support our local talent. BCPL is located on FR 100 just off U.S. 60, 3 miles west of downtown Datil.
Sat. October 8th 4pm Catron County Volunteer Firefighter Appreciation Dinner, Reserve Community Center. Full dinner course is $6.00 in advance/$7.00 at door. Tickets available from Fire Chiefs in county. Active duty county volunteer firefighters are to contact fire chief for special instructions. This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to join in this festival celebration. Call 575-533-6744 for tickets/additional info.
Friday, October 21st, 2 to 4 pm the Baldwin Cabin Public Library Talk by Matt Basham, District Archaeologist for the U.S. Forest Service in Magdalena Ranger District titled ‘Heritage Resources of the Magdalena Ranger District.’ Bring artifacts to show during question session. Refreshments served.
DATIL FEED, located next to the post office carries all your animal needs – feed, hay, & Vet supplies for dogs, cats, horses, cattle, chickens, and all other livestock or pets. Lora says that if they don’t have it, they’ll try to get it for you. Hours of operation TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9am-5pm.
SATURDAY 9am – 1pm. 575-772-5177
If you can help – DACAB, the Datil Area Community Advisory Board, is working hard to bring healthcare to northern Catron County. They are currently searching for land on which to build a clinic. DACAB is a 501(c)3 charitable organization registered with the New Mexico Charitable Organization Regristry. For more information, call Keith Spiller at 575-547-2868, email keith@dacab.org, or see the web site www.dacab.org. Mail can be sent to DACAB, PO Box 221, Datil, NM 87821
Pie Town Library Hours – The Summer hours at the Pie Town Library 1-3 pm each Thursday at the Pie Town Community Center. (From Ruth Hanrahan)
DATIL NOW HAS A VETERINARIAN! Jack Duncan, DVM now lives and works in Datil. Jack has a mobile vet office and is in Reserve 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month, 2nd Thursday in Quemado, Every WEDNESDAY – Office in Datil is open – by appointment. Friday as needed. 575-772-5150 office. bigcountryvet@gmail.com Jack’s office and home are located off Route 12 about 2 miles South of Hwy 60. Please call for appointment.
It is so wonderful to have a local vet! Thank you!
Have you heard of HUNGRY HOUNDS (AND CATS TOO)? A Datil group that can help those in need of assistance with: DOG OR CAT FOOD, Pet Medications, Spay/Neuter costs. Call to apply or donate – Pat 575-772-5106 or Fran 843-509-4219. Email: hungryhounds@aol.com Donations are greatly appreciated.
Fur and Feather Animal Assistance, Inc- Permanent Residential Facility for Dogs and Cats Adoptions and Limited Intake for Lost and Abandoned Animals Laurie Beauchamp, Pie Town, NM, 575-772-2661.
Serving Northern Catron County – Computer training, setup & repair, Jack will come to you or bring it to him. Call Jack Koerber @ 575-772-5293. 30+ years experience on a wide range of software (inc. MS-Office & various graphic programs) and hardware with 10 years servicing Datil, Pie Town & Quemado and the rest of northern Catron County.
Magdalena MagTech Computer Service-Magdalena. Computer repair,set-up and instruction from Ted Bending who has over 30 years experience. Call: 575-854-3394. Will service Magdalena and surrounding areas. If you have a question-he has the answer!
WWW.FOXRAVENGIFTS.COM is a gallery for local artisans to showcase and/or sell their work. Every item is one of a kind. If you are interested in showcasing or selling your work online this is the place for you. There is no charge to the artisan if you have digital photos and descriptions of each item you’d like posted. I can also design a website for you. Please email Karen DeRusha at foxravengifts@gmail.com or call 575-772-5892 for more information. Christmas is just around the corner – visit www.foxravengifts.com for that one of a kind gift that is sure to please for years to come!
ROUTE 60 RECYCLING – David Brown is accepting RECYCLING on Saturdays at the Datil Flea Market. He arrives around 9:30am. David’s phone number is 772-5646.